Wednesday, April 30, 2014

( IMF MESSAGE ) A Response From Karen Hudes



Bring the World's Gold out of Hiding
 The world's people are facing a new dark ages, brought on by the Banking Cartel, whose security guards are interfering with the 2014 Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Antal Fekete, the world's foremost monetary economist, stated on February 2, 2014 that the world's fractional reserve fiat currencies are on the verge of collapse. This Press Release is issued by Karen Hudes, counsel to Wolfgang Struck, the authorized signatory of the Global Debt Facility.

 Karen Hudes, the Acting General Counsel of the World Bank, and Wolfgang Struck, the Authorized Signatory on the Collateral Accounts, are attempting to bring the world's gold out of its cloak of secrecy and release the uncut dollars that John F. Kennedy printed just before his assassination. Their efforts are the result of a coalition predicted by a political science modeling tool developed in the Department of Defense by Jacek Kugler, former chair of Clarement University's political science department. Kugler predicted the formation of this coalition in 2004. Jacek Kugler, Ron Tammen and Brian Efird: “The War Presidency: Options Taken and Lost”, International Studies Association Meetings, Montreal, Canada, published February 2004.
 Quantitative Easing has weakened the Federal Reserve Note and put the world on the verge of a new dark ages: Antal Fekete stated, "It is a mistake to forget the lessons learned from the Dark Ages: we are in a similar situation today." Webcam video from February 2, 2014 5:17 PM  Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are no longer denominating 25% of world trade in US currency, as reported by the Daily Paul, on March 26, 2014 The international reserve currency status of the US dollar and the US credit rating is weakened by pervasive corruption at the heart of the international financial system. The banking cartel's security guards, Allied Barton, are refusing to admit either Wolfgang Struck, the authorized signatory on the Global Debt Facility, or the World Bank's acting general counsel, Karen Hudes, to the upcoming Spring Meetings of the Bretton Woods organizations, to be held April 11-13, 2014. The meetings are to release the gold, which is intended for the minting of gold coins to replace Federal Reserve Notes in order to instill the rule of law in the international financial system.
 "US military strength is compromised by a weak currency," as Karen Hudes pointed out at the second town hall meeting of Joint Chief of Staff, General Martin Dempsey: Instead, Hudes alleged that the Inspector General in the Department of Defense, Jon T. Rymer, dismissed Major General Michael Carey, Commander of the 20th Air Force, responsible for three wings of intercontinental missiles, and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina, in charge of the Navy's arsenal, on a pretext when they protected citizens of Charleston from being nuked on October 8, 2013.
 Robert O'Bannon, a retired Marine, says in the book which he published on the internet entitled "A Grandfather's Encouragement," "a concealed foreign enemy and its American minions are on their last legs has two fatal vulnerabilities: its needs for: (i) public invisibility and, (ii) control of the U.S. military to enforce its concealed global schemes...The enemy's critically important control of the U.S. military is rapidly evaporating. The American, Russian, and Chinese militaries--in concert--have determined the wisdom of bringing to an end the plans for fomenting a World War III and its New World Order pretensions and its murderous existence."
 Wolfgang Struck stated today, "Ok, man, I released a document which has CLOAKED FOR SECRECY on it all over. You got a little excited there, hej? I take it easy. We are almost 64 years after. If it is still cloaked for secrecy, then it would be cloaked for secrecy to protect the beneficiary, right? The beneficiary is not the FED or the BIS. The beneficiary is not the OITC which was created (if ever) only in 1995 when the claims of the ORIGINAL CLAIMANTS OF WWII LOOT had expired after 50 years of no action. The beneficiary of the August 11, 1950 document of the world is code name TVM-TVTM-LSM-666 and I invite anybody in this world to contact my lawyer Karen Hudes in Washington DC for further explanation.
 I say it here in simple words: TVM-LSM-666 was supposed to be code JPR 01-4. That code was transferred to Ferdinand Marcos per Deed Of Assignment dated February 28, 1963 using assignee name "Rev. Dr. Floro E. Garcia" for owner/signatory TVM-TVTM-LSM-666 who appears as one of the assignors (last is Sukarno).

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Major Attack (ECLIPSE)

APRIL 26TH 2014 The United States has attacked the integrity and character of the Russian Government 

By THE S&P down grading there debt to just above junk at BBB-

My friends this is a desperate attempt to justify actions and stake a false claim against a country the US Government no business being in (Ukraine) other News we just had a Ring of fire eclipse APRIL 29TH 2014 (If you live in Anartica you would have been able to see this :)


(APRIL 26TH 2014) Earlier today Standard and Poor’s cut Russia’s sovereign debt rating one step to BBB-, the lowest investment grade and one level above “junk” status. While the Russians have predictably bemoaned the “political” nature of S&P’s move, the reality is that this is the country’s first debt downgrade since December 2008 when the global financial crisis was in full swing Russia was on the verge of a really nasty economic downturn. S&P based its decision on slowing economic growth, geopolitical tensions, and capital flight that reached $70 billion(!) in just the first quarter. It’s impossible to know exactly what will come of S&P’s downgrade (the ratings agencies themselves don’t have any real power or authority) but it reflects a rapid souring of the mood in Russia and an overall worsening of economic conditions.

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Good conversation

As I meet with a financial Advisor this week we have a conversation about small talk and then the financials 

Interestingly enough for the coverage and services they are interested to learn more about the yours or mine personal income and finances 

I then  had a later conversation with a colleague about how the power has been transferred to china as they are the number the #1 gold miner and gold buyer around the world.

she went on to say that gold and silver are no longer accepted as currency maybe 1-2 % of the population uses gold

she basically  quoted what the financial advisor said yet i don't think either one of them understand true monetary history the funny thing is one is being paid the other is arguing the status que they may not also agree that Russia should take over Ukraine ( which they are not) the people are willingly wanting to join Russia ( her source was 2020) Media

They went on an said what if gold and silver go to zero history proves they never have gone to zero

the financial guy says why would a coin dealer want to cash in your coins if cash was scarce

even though i could cash it in or not brings us to the real money is gold and silver 

The financial guy said a quote from 100 years ago may not have any relevance today.

Perhaps these statements and opinions  may be generated by lack of understanding of real monetary history

I/ personally think they are afraid of the real monetary system coming to be in the next few years

Well no matter what happens It comes down to making up your own dam mind I am happy knowing what I know and being interested in what I know there is a reason yet it is time for it to be challenged it seems 

This may be the true  test of fate in what I currently know and where I think it will go

as it is the greatest test before the reward for anything 

I'll stick to my guns and not argue the personal effects of this yet define the cold hard facts As God has supported Russia and China that support has been eroded from the United States and transferred over to the Kings of the east


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Confirmation of Systematic Failure

Jim Wille

has spoken of the systematic failure of our monetary system 

The Velocity of money (flow) is at it's lowest point in 50 years according to  the historic charts:

It's really Just a matter of time for the system to stop which means An Economic Depression

And then with the lost interest of the US dollar A tsunami of Dollars will rush flooding into the Market overnight engulfing those unprepared and/or who failed to protect them selves form harm 

There is A Awesome release coming of our Petro Dollar system with the sanctions on Russia those  values that were once protecting the dollar are now lost and this cannot be undone without a reorganization and complete overhaul of our current monetary system.


The Money Velocity picture is not pretty. The declining rate has broken lows set 50 years ago. Technically, the velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically produced goods and services within a given time period, like an inventory cycle time. In other words, it is the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy. The result would be that growth (as measured in GDP) should be rising. With falling velocity of money, then fewer transactions are occurring and a recession is indicated. Such is the present case in astonishing rapid deterioration. Consumers and business are holding firm their money rather than investing it, as they see poor prospects. New capital formation is not occurring inside the USEconomy, or pitifully little. Debts are being dissolved, usually in default. It should be noted that the velocity of money has also been falling in the EU and Japan. The entire global economy is in recession, the pathogenesis shared.

The claim that the QE bond monetization is stimulus is pure propaganda, and could not be further from the truth. The claim disguises the nature of the hidden Wall Street bailout, which is to cover their worthless mortgage bonds, and to cover all manner of derivatives, in addition to the obvious coverage of USTreasury Bond sales. Nobody wants the USGovt bonds anymore, except for Belgium operating as hidey hole on behalf of the Euro Central Bank, and for Japan operating as the usual lackey servant. The claim of stimulus is 180 degrees wrong.The bond monetization is pure unsterilized monetary inflation, free money shoved into the system without offset. To be sure, Bernanke had a machine to produce money at no cost, except that like with acid it ruins capital. The result is pure inflation, and extreme motivation for the entire world to take on hedge positions with energy, metals, farmland, and more in order to protect themselves from the ruin of money. The effect is felt as a rising cost structure, felt across the world, and thus shrinking profit margins for the entire global business sector.

As businesses realize the lost profitability, they shut down and retire their capital. They turn idle their factor machinery, their design workstations, their office computers, their transportation vehicles, their company buildings and offices. The destruction of capital is the ugliest dirty secret behind the official New Normal of central bank monetary policy.They are killing the system, so as to avoid liquidating the big banks. By refusing to take the proper capitalism path in liquidating failed corporate structures, they have instead chosen to kill capital, force income engines to the sidelines, generate capital formation in other nations (like the East & Asia), and destroy the USEconomy. The US and West has forgotten capitalism and embraced socialism with a fascist twist.

Contrast the declining Money Velocity with fast rising Money Supply growth (presented in March). The conclusion is both galloping economic recession and systemic failure, hardly a reward. Yet it continues without interruption, only the promise of interruption. The systemic failure and breakdown is upon us, the evidence stacking up, the message no longer escapable. The two charts back to back make the point convincingly. New money is wrecking the financial structures and economic systems by destroying capital. The USFed balance sheet is well over $3 trillion, and continues to grow. The new money is going largely in a hidden Wall Street bailout of their bonds and derivatives. The USFed is a grand liar, as their QE volume is growing, not tapering. They are using proxies and back doors, in addition to airborne dirigibles like the Interest Rate Swap contract. Like with the Hindenburg, the floating monsters will explode someday. The growth in money supply is frightening and alarming, evidence of the wrecked capital and wrecked system. Many have called the Jackass a lunatic and alarmist, but they seem incapable to explain the fast rise in monetary base, yet fast decline in money velocity. Monetary policy is a failure. The fiat paper money is toxic. The big banks are insolvent. The global franchise system of central banks should be shut down, except they control the governments, control the finance ministries, control the central banks, control the regulators, and control the militaries.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Dollar is Not a Dollar (Any More)

Today is the best Value for your money today is the most your money will ever buy

with your dollar

As Russia Announced on April 8th they will trade with rubles for oil this tsunami of Dollars will come back into the United States were it will dilute all these dollars we take advantage of on a daily basis,

in other words a class in basic finance says that a dollar today is not a dollar tomorrow,

because they create more dollars every single day and with the crippling effect of other countries not accepting this currency we have a worse case scenario which leads to the trade of the dollars demise and the rest of the world wanting new reform and new trade

This my friends will impact the debt of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and require a major emergency to pay this debt off as it is unsustainable.

That emergency assistance will come out of the banks and other financial instruments/institutions such as 401k's, HSA's MyIRA's, Mutual funds, Stocks and personal/business Bank accounts to name a few.


Russia Announces Decoupling Trade From DollarChina will re-open the old Silk Road as a new trading route linking Germany, Russia and China

By Peter Koenig
April 08, 2014 "ICH" - Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners – no longer in dollars – see Voice of Russia

Russia’s trade in hydrocarbons amounts to about a trillion dollars per year. Other countries, especially the BRICS and BRCIS-associates (BRICSA) may soon follow suit and join forces with Russia, abandoning the ‘petro-dollar’ as trading unit for oil and gas. This could amount to tens of trillions in loss for demand of petro-dollars per year (US GDP about 17 trillion dollars – December 2013) – leaving an important dent in the US economy would be an understatement.
Added to this is the declaration today by Russia’s Press TV – China will re-open the old Silk Road as a new trading route linking Germany, Russia and China, allowing to connect and develop new markets along the road, especially in Central Asia, where this new project will bring economic and political stability, and in Western China provinces,where “New Areas” of development will be created. The first one will be the Lanzhou New Area in China’s Northwestern Gansu Province, one of China’s poorest regions.
“During his visit to Duisburg, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a master stroke of economic diplomacy that runs directly counter to the Washington neo-conservative faction’s effort to bring a new confrontation between NATO and Russia.” (press TV, April 6, 2014)
“Using the role of Duisburg as the world’s largest inland harbor, an historic transportation hub of Europe and of Germany’s Ruhr steel industry center, he proposed that Germany and China cooperate on building a new “economic Silk Road” linking China and Europe. The implications for economic growth across Eurasia are staggering.”
Curiously, western media have so far been oblivious to both events. It seems like a desire to extending the falsehood of our western illusion and arrogance – as long as the silence will bear.
Germany, the economic driver of Europe – the world’s fourth largest economy (US$ 3.6 trillion GDP) – on the western end of the new trading axis, will be like a giant magnet, attracting other European trading partners of Germany’s to the New Silk Road. What looks like a future gain for Russia and China, also bringing about security and stability, would be a lethal loss for Washington.
In addition, the BRICS are preparing to launch a new currency – composed by a basket of their local currencies – to be used for international trading, as well as for a new reserve currency, replacing the rather worthless debt ridden dollar – a welcome feat for the world.
Along with the new BRICS(A) currency will come a new international payment settlement system, replacing the SWIFT and IBAN exchanges, thereby breaking the hegemony of the infamous privately owned currency and gold manipulator, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) in Basle, Switzerland – also called the central bank of all central banks.
To be sure – the BIS is a privately owned for profit institution, was created in the early 1930’s, in the midst of the big economic melt-down of the 20th Century. The BIS was formed precisely for that purpose – to control the world’s monetary system, along with the also privately owned FED and the Wall Street Banksters – the epitome of private unregulated ownership.
The BIS is known to hold at least half a dozen secret meetings per year, attended by the world’s elite, deciding the fate of countries and entire populations. Their demise would be another welcome new development.
As the new trading road and monetary system will take hold, other countries and nations, so far in the claws of US dependence, will flock to the ‘new system’, gradually isolating Washington’s military industrial economy (sic) and its NATO killing machine.
This Economic Sea Change may bring the empire to its knees, without spilling a drop of blood. An area of new hope for justice and more equality, a rebirth of sovereign states, may dawn and turn the spiral of darkness into a spiral of light.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Coming (False) Prophetic Movement

There is a Hidden in plain sight movement happening within our world people will become crazed with prophecy when these Blood moons occur People of the world will falter and praise all who stoop to such a depressed honor as we move into this 3 year transition 2014 - 2017

The chemistry within our minds is changing,
people will one day hate to love God when in fact that God will be the only thing that will pull us through this transition by Love

As we march through 2014 I see the general public is becoming and turning into a prophetic trans hypnotized by the awe of the awesome power in Mother Nature and the cosmos, the people will not know why they are doing it yet they will feel compelled to do so.

It will be a few Months and as the plane disappeared over the Indian ocean so will the missing plane disappear from the minds of the public.

Heed the warning and try not to get caught up in the confusion


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

World Reserve Staus Is NOT the US Dollar

It's Official That the US Dollar is NOT the World Reserve Status anymore

As Obama Moves forward with sanctions Russia Begins implementing the New System.

Here is a commentary from Dr. Jones A very Wise Man with Invaluable Knowledge. 

Russia is composing it self to be a grown mature nation cool, calm, and collected.

While The United States is acting like a less confident, scattered and not focused on what is best for their nation. (while loosing respect and dignity)


Russia benefits from US sanctions

Mar 31, 2014

When President Obama decided to put sanctions on four Russian banks, he eliminated Visa and MasterCard from its lucrative business in Russia. Now Russia will set up its own National Payment Card System to replace it. Obama’s actions will disrupt payments for a short amount of time, but in the long run, Russia is the main beneficiary of Obama’s policy.
MOSCOW--President Vladimir Putin Thursday backed plans for Russia to create its own national payment system to protect itself against the kind of disruption caused when Visa and MasterCard cut ties with Russian banks hit by U.S. sanctions over the annexation of Crimea.
Russia has floated developing such a system for years although few steps have ever been taken. But the idea resurfaced after the international payment providers stopped servicing four banks last week when Russia came up against a broader round of sanctions.
On Friday, Visa and MasterCard cut off service to four Russia banks: Bank Rossiya, which was directly named on the U.S. sanctions list; its subsidiary Sobinbank; and SMP Bank and a subsidiary, which are majority owned by two people on the list. Over the weekend service was resumed to SMP and its subsidiary but Bank Rossiya and Sobinbank remain cut off.
On Thursday, Mr. Putin said the international providers would regret turning their backs on Russian banks.
"This will simply lead to them losing certain segments of the market, quite a profitable one," he said.
The US policy is forcing Russia to set up a financial system that will compete with US businesses like Visa and MasterCard. Meanwhile, Visa and MC are being restricted by the US government from doing business in Russia. Further, the incremental nature of the sanctions allows Russia time to implement its changes with the least amount of disruption.
At the same time, Russia will now accept payment for oil and gas in roubles, rather than exclusively in dollars, so that the sanctioned banks can continue to do business around the world without using US dollars. This is the next step in the demise of the US dollar as the world currency.
Each of Putin's policy changes are measured and implemented without political rhetoric and with no inflammatory statements to match those of President Obama. Putin remains cool and simply takes steps to protect the Russian economy. It appears that the US government is leveling sanctions against itself.
Nice going, Mr. Obama. Will you take revenge by shooting Uncle Sam in the other foot?
- See more at: