Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gold Slips Yet Inflation is Still Quiet???

As the United States may soon end QE http://www.mining.com/paper-money-is-pouring-out-of-central-banks-everywhere-so-why-is-gold-slipping-95318/?utm_source=digest-en-au-130305&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=digestover th last Four years the theory was tthat witb currency printing Hold would pick up a lot of steam however currencies are based on the value of other currencies and many other countries are printing more as well which in a way keeps it at a level playing field yet we still have not seen any major Threat of Inflation Yet Meaning that as this process continues more and more People WILL wake up to the fact that governments cannot continue to create more Currency and they will loose Faith in those Faith Based Currencies such as the US Dollar.http://www.mining.com/paper-money-is-pouring-out-of-central-banks-everywhere-so-why-is-gold-slipping-95318/?utm_source=digest-en-au-130305&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=digest

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