Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stocks (maybe a time to Sell) International Monetary Fund’s said this week that the world economy is not yet out of the woods. “It is clear that financial markets are ahead of the real economy. The question is whether they are too much ahead or not, whether we are seeing a bubble,” said chief economist Olivier Blanchard. Albert Edwards from Societe Generale said the bullish mood has returned to the “heights of optimism last seen in mid-2007” even though the global and US profit cycles have both peaked, and some shipping indicators point to a further economic relapse. Mr Edwards said the markets will be caught out yet again as the West slides deeper into into the same deflationary trap as Japan and bond yields fall to historic lows. Investors will have to wait a little longer for a “once in a life-time” chance to buy stocks dirt cheap, he said.

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