Saturday, July 30, 2016

Housing Market Attack & Failures / Future Ownership

A.) We have an aging bayboom population who now own their own home.
B.) We have a young work crowd (melenials) who have college degrees and student debt. which may still live with their parents.
C.) Home ownership is on the decline.
D.) We have a static Quantitiy of houses on the market who the babybooms are/will eventually sell, die or will to their immediate family opting for seinor housing communities to explode (new construction & Development). New houses are still being built saturating the housing market for the more "Modern Family"
E.) Why buy a 40 year or older house when the cost of repairs, remodel and maintenance in the long run exceed the cost of building something modern updated and within your use and functionality.

F.) With added economic stressors lower wages, rising inflation & renatal costs - Tiny housing is more efficient effective and is becoming a local, global trend. This new trend viewed as new construction and smarter approach to living within our means the cost is less with the same functional support of a larger house.

Z.) With all of these accumulated direct & indirect & aggressive, violent actions upon the housing market we have not seen the price come down nationally.

Some day soon we will see the adjusted actual price for home ownership become more affordable only for thoes who are debt free and or manage debt well.


Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Message "Putin's Plain Clear Truth (NATO & their Allies)"

A very clear observation in this video.

Nato Is about to be shunned of their allies.

NATO allies may face dier  consquences for dishonoring their trade partner Russia.

THE US no longer has the infulence to point weapons at any country from within so called NATO boarders. We will see how this develops


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Silver pierces $21.00 US

Just moments ago Silvers ooh's and Ahha's
GnS Research

Live 24 hours silver chart [ Kitco Inc. ]

& Silver Breaks $20

Happy 4Th of July!

How about thoes fireworks with Silver! Be safe out there.


Live 24 hours silver chart [ Kitco Inc. ]