Thursday, May 26, 2016

Class Action Law Suit Against Banks (begining confirmation)

After reading the below I am begining to see how a systematic collapse is possible,
As many  (genral Public) will come to understand that the banks admitily manipulated the markets which effecs your retirement and access to cash.

Now when you find out your retirement should be more (or rather that it was stolden by the banks) and almost everyone having a bank account is affected then you will feel entitled to a payment for damages and the more people that sign up for the law suit the less funds there will be for you to clain and the funny thing is when everyone wants a piece of the action noone really gets much of anything as most will be out raged and try to protest all while it's an election year.

GnS Research

Deutsche Bank, the largest or second largest derivatives monster on the planet. They have settled several cases recently including Libor, stock manipulation and for manipulating the London gold and silver fixes. I find it humorous as we were assured for so many years that gold and silver were THE ONLY things not being manipulated …how foolish of us to have thought such a thing?
As you know, DB is now offering 5% rates on 90 day money from it Brussels division. This makes no sense at all since they should be able to raise money in credit markets or from the ECB directly for nearly 0% or even negative …but for some reason they cannot. I have speculated Deutsche Bank has been “kicked out of the club” and their access to capital is being blocked. This may or may not be true but would make sense since they have agreed to turn state’s evidence and rat on other firms misdoings.
The latest, DB had their credit rating downgraded yesterday to two notches above “junk” Deutsche Bank’s credit rating was downgraded to 2 notches above junk. This will obviously make it even more difficult to raise capital and certainly increase their costs for capital. I find this very curious because from a systemic standpoint, we now have a wobbling counter partner in the derivatives market with well over $50 trillion! How comfortable can those be on the other side of derivatives with Deutsche Bank? Are they (were they ever?) really “hedged” or not? Without a doubt, it will be better not to find out but that is only wishful thinking.
Another aspect is from the judicial side, it now appears the courts are going to allow civil suits against the banks collectively based on criminal acts. The obvious here is that the banks collectively do not have enough capital to settle all the claims that are sure to come. What I am saying here is this, the old “pay to play” model which worked so well for so long may be breaking. It may be that the “paying” part may end up as more expensive than the profits made from “playing”.
All of which… which leads me to an important conclusion, the “banks”, collectively, need the system to come down and they need someone to blame. The “someone to blame” part is obvious, but why do they need the entire system to come down? Think about this, if the collapse is systemic then no one individually (except Deutsche Bank?) will have fingers pointed at them. The next logical point is this, how will a court be able to find for plaintiffs if the banks are ALL broke? Can you really squeeze blood from a stone? And penalizing the banks, no matter what they did would certainly not be viewed as something “for the common good”.
Let’s face it, the system is coming down one way or the other. If you cannot see this yet then all I can say is “you don’t know that you don’t know” and good luck to you. If the banks have reached the point of no return, doesn’t it make sense to “control” the crash? Or at least the narrative? Doesn’t it make sense to be able to point a finger at one particular bank as the reason instead of admitting it is ALL the banks and the system itself that was flawed. It will be very interesting to see how this exactly unfolds but my money is on Deutsche Bank as the Lehmanesque scapegoat!
Speaking of scapegoats, I am sure you saw the Senate vote last week that “sovereigns” (think Saudi Arabia) can be sued civilly. The finger has been pointed at the Saudis for being complicit in 911. The Saudi press returned volley yesterday by claiming the U.S. government was complicit themselves Saudi Press Just Accused US Govt of Blowing Up World Trade Centers as Pretext to Perpetual War. I think what is being missed here is both the Saudis and the U.S. are moving away from the official (impossible) story. Neither now claim that 19 Arabs did this on their own!
Do you see the importance of this? “Truth”, (uncovered in these small portions) is slowly coming out via “truth bombs”. The official stories whether they be financial, political or geopolitical are having small shreds of truth added in. As I have said all along, I believe we will see the mother of all truth bombs dropped by Mr. Putin with an absolutely “shocked” China looking in. Any sort of truth bomb will have U.S. (Western) financial markets as the prime target… Can Western markets even survive the real truth?
Standing watch,
Bill Holter
Holter-Sinclair collaboration

Wednesday, May 25, 2016



To prohibit the provision of Federal funds to State, territory, and local governments for payment of obligations, to prohibit the Board of Gov- ernors of the Federal Reserve System from financially assisting State and local governments, and for other purposes.

Wow. Congress wants to prohibit the Fed from bailing out bankrupt states.

Just days ago, in the midst of the Puerto Rico debt morass, 24 members of Congress introduced the “No Bailouts for State, Territory, and Local Governments Act.”

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Venezuela (Troops Deployed)

As the country of Venezuela runs out of much of the raw materials to produce basic goods and necessities for basic human life (beer, toilet paper, sugar, rice, corn, wheat, beans, ETC) the shortages occure because of trade deficits and the only way to cover that and pay off the debt is to barter in real goods as the purchasing power of the currency dissolves. Take note they are a country whos main income was amde from crude oil.

GNS Research

"We you loose everything and there is nothing left to loose, you loose it!"

From the great - *Geral Celente*
Troops have been deployed around Venezuela’s capital of Caracas and in ‘every strategic region’ this weekend during the country’s largest ever military exercise.
The government claims the exercises are in response to the threat of invasion from the United States, but the real reason for the government’s state of emergency declaration is likely much closer to home.
For over a year now, Venezuelans have been suffering under an ever deepening economic and political crisis.
Bare supermarket shelves are common. Vital medicines are in short supply. Crime is rising. Blackouts occur daily. To save electricity, the government asked public sector workers to only show up on Mondays and Tuesdays - and this could soon extend to private companies as well.
All this in one of the largest oil producing nations on earth.

Coca-Cola is halting production of its namesake soft drink in Venezuela for the foreseeable future due to a shortage of sugar.
The US company says it is being forced to take the action because it has run out of the raw material.
Venezuela's economy is teetering on the edge of collapse with widespread food shortages and inflation forecast to surpass 700%.
Last month, Venezuela's largest food and drinks company, Empresas Polar, stopped production of beer because it was unable to obtain enough imported barley.
Coca-Cola said sugar-free drinks would be unaffected.
The move comes after a week of violent clashes between security forces and supporters of the opposition to President Nicolas Maduro.
Last week Mr Maduro imposed a 60-day state of emergency giving extra powers to police and soldiers.

But analysts say that for many Venezuelans, the state of emergency is irrelevant as their daily life now involves spending hours waiting to buy scarce food and basic goods.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Oil (Ocean) Parking Lot

And here we see how the ocean is used for a parking lot (in the ocean) for oil tankers anchored or barely moving.

The red dots show ships either at anchor or barely moving, either oil tankers or cargo, which have made the Straits of Malacca, one of the world's most important shipping lanes which carries about a quarter of all seaborne oil primarily from the Persian Gulf headed to China, into a "bumper to bumper" parking lots of ships with tens of millions of barrels in combustible cargo. 
it is also the topic of the latest Reuters expose on the historic physical crude oil glut which continues to build behind the scenes, and which so far has proven totally immune to dissipation as a result of the sharp increase in oil prices over the past three months.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

SILVER TECHNICAL ANALYSIS $20.00 critical & confirming

This information generated by a very inteligent gentalman

Notice the slight uptrend using the paraelle rectangle  and the price break out the range from $14 - $16.00.

2 points = the $18.00 target.
 Begining confirmation for their is something about $20.00

“Silver leads the precious metals breakout in impressive fashion. The Cup & Handle pattern indicates an 18 target to be reached very quickly. Both following charts exhibit a constructed launching pad for an assault on the $20 level.”