And comments from the readers
- Summary: Greece on its own after IMF default
- IMF: Greece didn't make its payment
- Historic moment: Greece in arrears to the IMF
- Greece bailout just 15 minutes from expiring....
- VIDEO: Dijsselbloem says Greece will be in default tomorrow
- Fitch downgrades Greece, warns default risks are high
- Deputy Greek PM: Referendum may not happen
Summary: Greece on its own after IMF default
And that’s it... Another day for the history books, with:
- Greece making an unprecedented default at the IMF:
- Losing the protection of its second bailout...
- ...and sensationally asking for a third package....
- Eurozone finance ministers have already warned a 3rd deal will be tough
- In Athens, campaigners for a Yes vote on Sunday hit the streets.
- Fitch downgraded Greece, on fears of a looming default,
- And European stock markets fell again
Here’s the full story.
We’ll be back with a new liveblog in the morning, to do it all again. Thanks for reading, commenting, and your help. Goodnight! GW
Confirmation that a 3rd bailout will be very hard to agree:
The Guardian isn’t the only UK paper leading on Greece tomorrow -- the crisis is also splashed on the FT (again!) and The Scotsman, plus the International New York Times.
Our Europe editor, Ian Traynor, captures the historic nature of tonight’s events (I’ve added links to earlier points in the blog):
More, if your nerves can take it, here:
Analysts at SocGen agree that any new bailout would take time, which has implications for the ECB in terms of getting its own repayments due in July from Greece.
€6.7bn of Greek bonds owned by the ECB mature in July and August, according to this handy breakdown of Greek debts from Reuters.
Greece now joins Somalia, Sudan and Zimbabwe in arrears at the IMF tonight.