Monday, December 15, 2014


what if everything ever written was completely wrong?
why do you even read this Blog what does it really matter?
I have heard reports of when the stock Market dips 20% this is a confirming indicator that we are in a Bear market
Does this really matter what does it really mean? it means there is a bear Market upon us according to Harry Dent this is very deflationary until the end of this decade
if he is right (which I hope he is) then Precious metals are on sale for an even longer time Mining shares stay low and everyone wants a bargain that is found in Mining as stated last year we are still waiting on major mine closures we haven't heard much of this yet however miners are deciding to restrict the flow of silver & gold physically as it is being sold below the cost of production.
Perhaps others will see value hear perhaps they will not and that is ok ;)