Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Rising Minimum Wage

As the 50 United states jump on board to give themselves a raise in Tax revenue

Washington state being one of the first states to raise Minimum wage to 15.00 over a period of a few years, Other states have followed suit

That means employers will expect more from employees and hire less which also means another tightening in the job Market in direct deflection of the cost of living and which will be felt in your super Market and Grocery receipt(s). [ I have no prejudice yet with raising the minimum Wage it will go to  many of the migrant workers not born in the USA ;) as they now work in most fast food and corporate chain restaurants.]

As the markets (minds) continue to battle against each other to find a balance we are entering the beginning of the exit from Speculation transitioning into real Fundamentals for this whole year of 2014 with forecasted new highs and 100 + point daily gains and losses, there is building pain in the world and it is beginning to be let out into our world right now listen closely I expect a correction this summer

(keep in mind the prophetic year ends in October 16th 2014)


Controlling the Weather

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Choppy Cycle

Here we get the taste of some history of our current Market Cycles 

there are 72 year Cycles and16-18 year cycles within the stock Market

We also must consider the 30 - 40 year Currency cycles

what lies ahead won't be pretty yet it looks like it may not be entirely doom and gloom VIEW THIS SHORT VIDEO BELOW

We must know at what point we are in the cycle there are cycles for car engines there are also Cycles for markets,


Friday, May 9, 2014

Economic World Currency 1942

At the end of world war 2 the Pound Sterling was dethroned and up rooted as they were the largest debtrer nation in the world 

The transition of power then went to the United states as they were a young growing creditor nation,

this shift in thinking also wasn't easy and there was resistance yet it has happened and there is nothing stopping the shift away from the US Dollar

The United States has no Authority and is loosing it's influence in the world this year appears to point at a climax of events actively moving away from the US Dollar

I believe this I do  not expect you to believe it yet I ask you to be open to the possibility

watch this video here thank you:


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Which Way?

Take a look at this Historic 10 year chart can you believe that in 2004 silver was worth about $6.00 dollars an ounce 3 times+ its value (not adjusting for Inflation) today the market is never guaranteed nor can any one individual always be right yet It takes the experience and applied skill and knowledge to see the future (Vision they call it) Discipline I always wonder why I do what I do And I do What I do Because I'm happy.

I enjoy the company along the way and I look forward to meeting those who accompany me along the way relationships are not my strong suit yet I thrive to be there for you.

There are tremendous forces at work unseen by our eyes yet when you are open to the posibilities
then you will see the music in your life I have no Idea why I am Up writing this at this time yet I sometimes feel my mind is erased from all the things I did the day before.

Ask yourself which way the market will go but don't be fixated on those numbers Because when O look at any piece of gold or silver I see blood sweat tears and peoples lives that gave there entire lives to find such a scarce metal I have asked myself and= found my answer now it is your turn :)
